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《中文教学现代化学报》期刊 第十六期


Qu Ming


Faculty Group of Liberal Arts, Muroran Institute of Technology, 室兰市, 北海道, 050-8585, Japan




There is always emphasis on speaking (communication) ability in the syllabus of most foreign language classes in Japan. Therefore, any achievement test should include speaking tasks. In this study, a Moodle-delivered Chinese language speaking test was developed as a term-end achievement test to check the progress and what had been attained by students during the course. First, the process of the test’s development, issues regarding the testing of speaking in general, and administration of the speaking test were introduced. Following that, the test-takers’ attitudes and perceptions of the Moodle-delivered speaking test was investigated. This study is expected to provide information to help teachers to conduct speaking tests in large-scale language classes.


Chinese language teaching; creation of speaking test; computer-delivered speaking test; computer-based foreign language teaching

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